We restricted the employment type of the company

When creating a company, users will now see the employment type selection. Users can choose a single employment type (e.g., temp or freelance), which will determine whether the company is for temporary work or freelance jobs. Alternatively, users can select both employment types, allowing the company to create jobs for both freelance and temporary work. The employment type chosen for the company dictates the employment type of the jobs, which in turn affects how shifts are created from those jobs.

We replaced jobs with job types and redesigned the shift card display in OGP

We are moving towards a system where shifts in the OGP planning are grouped by job type instead of individual jobs. This change helps users by grouping shifts under a common category, and by adding shift names to the cards, users can now easily identify shifts in the preview. Due to the decoupling change (replacing jobs with job types), we also had to update the filters. These updates apply to filters in HQ, OGP, and worker details in HQ.

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Jobs and shifts can be created with multiple employment types

We extended the job form based on the employment type of the company. Jobs can be created as freelance, temporary work, or both. Depending on the selected employment type, certain form fields will be enabled or disabled, as some properties are only relevant to temp work (e.g., gross hourly wage) or freelance (e.g., no-show bail). All entered properties are displayed on the job preview and job cards.

When creating work from a job, only the relevant properties based on the job’s employment type are shown. For example, if a job is freelance-only, only freelance-related properties will be displayed. If a job is temp-only, temp-related properties are shown. For jobs with both employment types, users can select the employment type for publishing the shift, and the corresponding properties will be displayed in the shift details.

When shifts are published with multiple employment types, both temp workers and freelancers can apply. To help users differentiate, the worker’s employment type is now displayed under their profile. If both freelancers and temp workers apply for the same shift, users will see different properties, such as salary details when hovering over the gross hourly wage column.

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Flexpools connected to the job are displayed on the shift form

If flexpools are assigned to a job, they will be shown when the user is publishing the shift, notifying the user that the shift will be created for the specified flexpools.

We are now grouping shifts based on common properties

When doing bulk applications, workers will see recommended shifts grouped by common properties. Same goes for the HQ/OGP user when they are accepting the work for a shit.

We updated contracts on shifts